A review by calistareads
A Lady Has the Floor: Belva Lockwood Speaks Out for Women's Rights by Kate Hannigan


Belva Lockwood is a new name for me, but this woman was fearless. She demanded equal rights and she became the first women lawyer back around the time of the Civil War. She was fearless and she demanded to be heard. She even went to the Supreme Court to argue she was able to speak in a courtroom. This women must have been like a weed, you simply weren’t able to keep her out of what she wanted. She ran as the first presidential candidate in 1884 and 1888. I mean this woman didn’t just take no, she forced her way in and got her way. I admired this woman so much. I could use some of this kind of gumption.

The artwork is like a memory. It feels historical to me. It’s stylized and works.

This book was used for homeschool this week. The Niece read this and wrote a report on it. She couldn’t believe how unfair Belva was treated. She learned a bit from this and she thought this was a good historical story. She gave it 3 stars.