A review by thebookramblings
Crystal Cadets #1 by Paulina Ganucheau, Anne Toole, K. O'Neill


The Crystal Cadets is a group of girls with special gifts that have been passed down through the generations by a stone that each family has. Zoe discovers she is a part of the Crystal Cadets on her birthday, when she receives a gem from her birth mother, and it is learned that she is the Diamond of the group. Along with her friends, the magical girls are chosen to defeat the Darkness, and guard earth. This is a great comic for elementary and middle school kids. It's a fun quick read with action, mythology, friendship, and diversity. I liked the concept, but it lacked in many aspects ranging from depth, character development, and pace. There is a lot of potential with the premise, but there was not enough time and detail put into establishing the story, so I did not really enjoy this.

I received a digital copy of this title from the publisher via NetGalley.