A review by tashrow
The Story Blanket by Elena Edriozola, Harriet May Savitz, Ferida Wolff


Babba Zarrah tells children in her small village stories on her wonderful patchwork blanket. When she notices that one of the children has a hole in her shoe, she decides to knit a pair of warm socks. But with all of the snow, no one can bring yarn to the village. Within a few sips of her tea, Babba Zarrah has figured out exactly what to do. Each day she notices new uses for the yarn in her blanket. Brightly colored knit gifts are showing up all over the village but no one knows where they are coming from. But the children are noticing that they are sitting closer and closer together as the story blanket shrinks each day. Until one day, the blanket is gone. Then the villagers realize what has been happening and find their own way to show thanks.

The text in the book is thoroughly charming as are the illustrations. The words don't just tell the story, but also give small glimpses into the ways of the village without intruding in the tale at all. The book reads smoothly and easily with just the right pacing. The illustrations manage to be modern with a traditional twist. A perfect accompaniment to this story which may or may not be set in the past.

A well-knitted story and one that will read aloud well, this book is appropriate for ages 4-6.