A review by foxon
A Lady's Guide to Gossip and Murder by Dianne Freeman


Update: Well that was my most disappointing book of the year. I was so bored the whole time. Frances is a extremely frustrating character. She is very sensible and walks the line between finding things out while not putting herself in damsel-in-distress situations, but watching her and George's relationship 'unfold' is tedious. This dude asks her to marry him and all she does is wonder if he likes her. Please, you are an adult woman, you can tell he does, because he says so! Maybe I wouldn't be so upset by it except she spends a lot of time thinking of him and then not actually making a any decisions about her own feelings, with is irritating. Then we have the actual mystery part. Zero action at all in this AND it takes the main characters half the bloody book to realize the victim was a
Spoilergossip columnist
which was so obvious I had to walk away in exasperation when they finally figure it out. I had really high hopes that even though the first one wasn't fantastic there was enough potential for this series to be great, but Im giving up. Reading this was a waste of time.

My excitement over this is rather ridiculous. Love the cover!