A review by trishagreenie
Binding 13 by Chloe Walsh


I enjoyed this read - it made me swoon at times, and laugh out loud at others. There were parts that exasperated me, and there is one character who says at one point that he doesn't even like cats. He better make it up to me because that's just not on!! At least he wasn't the main character, I guess.

Shannon was pathetic at times, but she has a good reason for being that way. By the way, this book definitely needs a TW for domestic violence. Anyway ... she was pathetic sometimes, and at other times she was brave and fierce, which I admired. I loved the unfolding friendship/other stuff-ship between her and Johnny.

Gibsie is hilarious, and I look forward to reading his story (I *think* that's the one coming up after Shannon and Johnny? I haven't looked at the next books' blurbs yet). I love the banter and chats between Gibsie and Johnny - that's a real friendship with minimal toxic masculinity to be had (I will say there is a bit of toxic masculinity in the book overall though).

Another thing on my "didn't like it so much" list: Johnny and his actions towards others in defence of Shannon. Yes, they deserved it, but no, it wasn't a healthy way to deal with the issues at hand. Guys showing anger in that way is definitely a sign of the toxic masculinity I mentioned.

I also enjoyed this book because I haven't read many books set in Ireland, and it was good to get insight into it.

Onward to book 2!