A review by monika_stefekova
The Court of Miracles by Kester Grant


This is not exactly a review, really just a series of my own notes on what I loved about this book.

While it may not be the most original story I have ever read, it still felt fresh and interesting. I felt that the atmosphere of 1820s/1830s Paris was captured very well, both people and places were fully fleshed out, and the whole story was quite cinematic.

I think Les Mis is incorporated perfectly in this book. There´s just enough to make it recognisable, yet none of the characters/plot points/other elements seemed forced or jarring. For me, it was a pretty seamless transition that felt respectful to the source material while also being fairly original.

I especially appreciate that even though there were quite a few hints at the romantic relationship(s), it was never the point of the story, nor did it overtake the main plot. Too many YA books these days come down to who´s going to end up with whom, and usually, the main focus of the books tend to shift from the plot to the love triangle/square/another geometrical shape :) I was so pleased that while the future romance(s) were outlined vividly enough, they never overpowered the message of the story or Nina´s primary focus. It´s a refreshing change in YA literature.

Personally, I enjoyed this book immensely. I will definitely re-read it at least once before the sequel comes out (which frankly seems like ages from now...). I would definitely recommend it to any reader who loves strong, clever female characters, historical setting, Paris, Les Misérables, or all of the above :)