A review by foksha_1996
Embrace by Jessica Shirvington



Well this book was really bad.

It started out really good, I couldn't even put it down for almost 3 hours and then you reach 60% of the book, and you think, what the heck is happening?

I was looking for an angel book, and found this book. And since it has been on my TBR for 4 years now, and i decided to read it. And I wish I didn't.

For the first time in a long time, I hated the main character. Violet was a selfish, whiney, and not to mention dumb and made TONS of bad choices. For a character that we were told more that once she was the savior, the one who will save everyone and the strongest gal in the whole world, you won't think she's stupid, right? Nope you're wrong.

Bad choice, after bad choice. I face palmed myself so many times and rolled my eyes even more. I even put the book down more than once, took a deep breath, took a break and continued reading. That's how bad she is.

And can we please talk about the love triangle? First with Pheonix, the bad boy who just after one look at Violet and he can't stay away from her (literally he's always with her, at her apartment, with her friends, to go out to eat, to her dad's company partyetc.) and wants to protect her. There was no chemistry and I'm meant to believe that you fit together like two pieces of a puzzle? Was I reading a different book?

“I swear to you, he’ll never hurt you again. You’re… I’ll never let him near you,’ he whispered.”

My dude, you just met her 24 hours ago, let's take it easy.

Not to mention he has hair the color of an opal. How can one have opal colored hair? HOW? SOMEONE EXPLAIN PLEASE.

And Lincoln, ah naive Lincoln. Well, I also didn't like him. He was a really weak love interest, and has the characteristics of a chalkboard. He also has some serious anger and possession issues, but at least he maintains some semi-normal qualities compared to our creepy friend Pheonix. And hey, at least he's less annoying than Violet.

And lastly, where the heck is her dad??? He only appears when needed for the plot and woop he's gone. As far as I know, she doesn't live alone. She's a 17 year old with guys in her apartment with her all the time.

*sigh* I'm having a headache. I will stop or this rant review will go on forever.