A review by evavroslin
Chiral Mad 3, by Michael Bailey


*** Review copy purchased online ***
--- Truncated review ---
I've been wanting to read Chiral Mad 3 ever since I heard it was coming out. Having been thoroughly impressed by the stories in the previous volumes, and seeing the all-star lineup unveiled bit by bit before the book's release made me eager to get my mitts on a copy. This anthology features a mixture of short stories and poetry as well as artwork. Now, I will say right off the bat that I didn't review the poetry in this anthology, not because I didn't think it was excellent (it was). The quality was, unsurprisingly, sublime, but I've never felt comfortable reviewing poetry. However, what I will say is that the placement of the poems functioned as a unique complement to each of the stories. As well, the artwork deserves high commendation because it truly enhanced the quality of each of the pieces.

To say that this is anthology has been put together well would not do it justice. The fact that editor Michael Bailey manages to pack so much immense quality and talent in all of his endeavours is truly astounding. If you're a horror fan, you must make his anthologies a part of your library.