A review by tillytom
I Have Lost My Way by Gayle Forman


I... I don't know what to rate this yet... I need a second...

Okay, it's been a couple of days. I'm gonna give this a 4.5, officially. I absolutely loved this book, I just didn't love it as much as my other 5 stars. It's not a new favorite... I think... I'm not sure! I'm still so indecisive.

This was such a beautiful story. At first, I immediately disliked the main character Freya, adored, Harun, and felt nothing towards Nathaniel. Freya's character, in fact, was causing me to dislike the book. However, by the 50-page mark, I was head-over-heels for all three characters, and upon finishing the book I can say with certainty that I adore each character. Their backstories all carried such emotional impacts that really helped make the characters more three-dimensional; they added a certain drive to each character that made the story more likable, more emotional, and more compelling. I really felt for each character (Especially Nathaniel. His tragic story was a serious tearjerker and has left me impacted on a deep level.)

The writing style was actually amazing. We switch back and forth between current day: where each character has collided with the others and they're all each other's salvation, and to the past: where we learn what each character had been through and why they are all so desperately clinging to this random connection made between strangers. It's an emotionally driven story that grabbed my interest from page 15 and held it until page 256. I was emotionally captivated and had trouble putting the books down. I truly adore this book and will carry this impactful story with me for many months.

I highly recommend.