A review by readtolive
A Matter of Time by Lisa M. Basso


Wow, there is just so much packed into this book. I almost can't believe I just read this as quickly as I did. On one hand, a lot of my unanswered questions from the second book are resolved, but at the same time, I feel like I have more unanswered questions now, and I know that no more answers will come because this was the end of the series.

This finale will be a heartstopping, total rush of an adventure that will take you on a roller coaster ride through the plot twists and turns that even this reviewer did not see coming. The further I got into the book, the more I was filled with a variety of emotions I didn't even know how to sort through and process. I wish it wasn't over.

I find myself feeling almost lost and empty now that the series has come to a close, wondering what I will read next, because I felt so attached and invested in these characters and now I don't have them anymore to keep me company. If you haven't yet picked up this series and are a YA reader, this one is a must read. Go give it a whirl!