A review by curvybooktrovert
That Sik Luv by Jescie Hall


Did I enjoy this book? Thoroughly. Would I read it again? Probably not.

This book came highly recommended as a stalker romance in equal comparison to the Cat & Mouse duet, but I can't agree with that.. Not even a little bit.

Don't get me wrong, Aero is a beautifully unhinged psycho in his own form and Briony absolutely lives for it. But the comparison between Aero and Zade gave me extremely high expectations for this book and unfortunately, it didn't quite live up.

Judging this book strictly on its own merits, it was actually quite good. Aero was obsessed with her, but it wasn't just a random fluke that he picked her. Their lives had always been linked, unbeknownst to her, since the day her mother died. He promised to always protect her, but in protecting her, he also had to break her to open her eyes to the truth. Break the way of thinking she was raised in by her adoptive parents. Break the blind faith she had been manipulated into putting in the church.

It was a HUGE shock to her system, but once she leaned into Aero and used him to find her own voice, she became unstoppable. Gone was the quiet dormouse of a little girl and out bloomed a woman who knew what she wanted and was willing to do whatever it takes to get it.

There were parts of Aero's backstory that only left me with more questions than answers. But overall, the way this author really exposed the disgustingly manipulative nature that organized religion can carry.. it actually left me really impressed.

Instead of statistically becoming the abuser himself, or spiraling into self-ruin, Aero plotted his revenge and used the very girl everyone expected to stay quiet and agreeable to blow up their entire world. He definitely pushed her pretty intensely down a dark path, but that path revealed all the secrets she couldn't have even imagined. Helping her not only find her voice but learn to scream at the top of her lungs.

Again, I definitely would not agree that this book is even close to similar to the Cat & Mouse, but while I didn't fall head over heels in love with Aero & Briony's story, I also didn't hate it.