A review by emperorcupcake
Gods in Alabama by Joshilyn Jackson


Re-read; read for the first time around 2010ish, AKA a million damn years ago.

I'm re-reading my old favourite Joshilyn Jackson books to see if I still love them, after finding her last couple books kinda meh. While I did lower this from a 5 to a 4 - look, we're all different people than we were in 2010 - I think I prefer this chick-litty style over her thrillers. (Though I remember The Girl Who Stopped Swimming being my favourite, which was more of a mystery-suspense. I guess we'll see if it holds up!) Next up, the kind-of-sort-of companion to this book, Backseat Saints, which I remember absolutely loving. Please let me still love it!

What's weird is I know I loved this book, but I remembered absolutely nothing about it! Which was cool cause it was pretty much like a first time read. It's not perfect, but boy do I love a good Southern gothic murder. Blood and kudzu. Absolutely my fave. And this has one of the best, most hook-y titles ever.