A review by a_blue_box_full_of_books
The Night Weaver, Volume 1 by Monique Snyman


The Night Weaver is the rotten poisoned apple in Snow White. It is the first comparaison that comes to mind. Everything is beautiful and seems fine from the outside and you just need to scratch a little the surface to realize that something is wrong. It is what the reader, but also what Rachel, the main character, goes through, after reading a few pages of the novel. Yes, Shadow Grove seems to be a charming and calm little town, bordered by a beautiful green forest. But weird things definitely do happen there. Starting with the children, who disappear without a trace, leaving the adults at best a little worried. 

Monique Snyman is definitively a strong story weaver and a master in story building. The heavy atmosphere is palpable. The drops of humor sprinkle here and there in the story are definitely needed. If you are acquitted with celtic folklore and beliefs , you rapidly understand what kind of creatures are lurking in the shadows. If you aren’t , they make themselves known throughout the pages, and you will appreciate the book the same, following the clues with Rachel.

I love the work Monique Snyman has done with the Fair Folk. It is to me, one of the best novels I have read on the subject for a while. It reminded me of Raymond E. Feist ‘s Faerie Tale or The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly. It is dark, and draws deep inside human primal fears, nourishing of darkest dreams. So yes. Very good novel. I am definitely keeping an eye on Monique Snyman’s work.