A review by jamie_o
The Home Ranch by Ralph Moody


Though it has a different feel from the previous two books in the series because Ralph's family is not a part of it, it is just as outstanding. Ralph tells of the summer he was 12 years old, away from home working as a cowhand on Mr. Batchlett's home ranch - making a man's wages.

One of my favorite characters was cowhand Zeb, who with his quiet and unassuming way teaches Ralph a lot about life. And Ralph's friendship with Mr. Bendt's spirited daughter Hazel is sweet; she teaches him about rounding up cows and he teaches her horse-riding tricks. One of the most memorable scenes for me is the bunkhouse fight - Trinidad fighting with Sid and then Zeb was intense. My boys were on the edge of their seats with excitement.

Ralph is such a great example for kids - hardworking, honest, and respectful. This series is a treasure.

"When you're looking at somethings beautiful and grand and sort of peaceful, it always seems nicer to be with someone who doesn't talk."

"nothin' worth while gets learnt easy"

"I guess I don't know much about women, but they're an awful lot harder to figure out than horses."