A review by seffra
Filthy English by Ilsa Madden-Mills


3.5 Stars!

I really liked this book! Dax was such a great guy and I really enjoyed the character of Remi! This story is a second chance at love. And I wasn't prepared for Dax to be so charming! I loved Remi and her love for her brother.

The pacing was good overall in this book, although I didn't like that, in first year, they fell in love in a weekend and it ended as quickly as it began. Also, I didn't really the Romeo and Juliet vibe I was promised. With the first one, I got the Pride and Prejudice but with this one...no...I didn't get it and I felt kind of shortchanged which is why it's losing a star.

Yes, this review is crazy short because I read this book so long ago!

But I did enjoy this one!