A review by imyerhero
The Fall by Garth Nix


It’s hard for me to judge this book since it represents my first foray back into YA fiction in nearly six months. After tackling “classic” novels and stories which were nearly 600 pages long, this 195 page book caught me off guard. I’ve settled into feeling I have at least a hundred pages for character development and plot introduction, not to mention room to spare for details. But with YA fiction, you don’t have that luxury. Teens have short attention spans. So all of a sudden, I was dropped into a fantasy world with no introduction or point of relationship to my own.

However, once I was initiated, Nix’s magic did it’s thing. He has an incredible ability to create. If any of you have read his “The Old Kingdom” trilogy, you’ll know what I mean. This story, while much more accelerated than any of his previous works, still is a great read. He has set himself up nicely for a wonderful series, including honest and believable characters and a sense of intrigue leaving you ready for more.

I was torn in how to review this book. It’s quality encouraged me to review it somehow, but since I have never reviewed a series before, the presentation aspect was tough. So, I’ve decided to review each one individually, but only answer the questions whose answers will change with each installment. I hope it works…