A review by amz101
Beautiful Secret by Claire Raye


So I went into this book blind. It's the first book by these authors, and I have to say, I didn't expect what I got. It was full of drama, raw emotion and angst... Which if you know me, it is what I look for in a good romance, so I was disappointed. As the title states, it is a Hollywood romance, and that's not normally a trope I read. This book, however, wasn't like most Hollywood romance I have read before and I am glad it wasn't...

Julia Harris is a famous Hollywood star, she is in the eye of the public and she is their golden girl. She has it all and more, but the way the author wrote this character was refreshing. She was snobby, she didn't act as though she was above other people. She stayed true to herself and stayed grounded even though she lived a life most people only dreamed about. I loved that the authors didn't write this character as some over the top wench. I felt she was the type of woman I could kind of relate to, and that's what held my attention the most. Sometimes with these types of romances, I find myself rolling myself at how the heroine acts, but not this one. She was such a lovable character and I adored her!

Aiden is an aspiring screenwriter, but working as an assistant producer in his hometown London working on a blockbuster movie. He is at the bottom of the ladder when it comes to the Hollywood industry but although he may attend these Hollywood parties, it most definitely isn't his scene, but he does want to work his way to being a screenwriter, something he has dreamed of for a long time.

Aiden and Julia were the most unlikely couple ever. She was at the top and he was at the bottom. Aiden automatically thought Julia would be some stuck up Hollywood actress but when they cross paths, he is shocked to realize just how normal Julia is, that she is nothing like he expected. Julia found herself drawn by Aiden the moment they did mean, but as it goes, she had an image to uphold and things were expected of her, and being with Aiden wasn't one of those things. Her c0-star and he had an image to uphold, well more to the point her co-star thinks them as a couple would be good for publicity, but when things don't go the way he wants them to and he isn't pleased with it at all.

Aiden and Julia can't help but be drawn to one another and after a secret kiss, that only got my intense. They are trying to keep what they have under the radar and out of the public eye but it's seeming harder than expected... and the moment the public is alerted. Everything between these two is put on the line... Aiden starts to question the way he feels, and everything they started to build starts to crumble.

I would dive in deeper but I honestly think this book is best jumped into blind, I know I am glad I did... I expected one thing and got another and I love it when that happens. This was full of emotion, angst, and grab at my attention from the beginning, that authors wrote these characters flawlessly and made me fall in love with them from the start.

I can't wait to read what is next!

5 Stars!