A review by yangyvonne
The Professors' Wives' Club by Joanne Rendell


This book is kind of the "Sex in the City" for Professor's wives. There is Mary, the Dean's wife, who is trapped in an abusive marriage. Then there is Sofia, who has a baby and is now doubting her husband, Tom. Also, Hanna, a former model who is beginning to realize that Michael is shallow. And finally, Ashleigh, a lesbian lawyer who has lived with Sam for a while, but has not come out to her family. All the women unite to save a garden, but their underlying themes are far more intriguing and drive the plot far more than anything else.

The concept of the book and the major theme of saving the garden are good, but the subplot about Edgar Allen Poe seemed forced and inserted only to lend credence to the "college" setting. I was far more interested in Hanna's affair with Patrick or whether Mary would go to CA than whether any EAP relics would be unearthed when gutting the garden. While the women were 3-D characters, the men seemed either stereotypical villains or highly under-developed. In 320 pages, a lot more could have been done.