A review by davidbess
The Sovereign Grace of God: A Biblical Study of the Doctrines of Calvinism by James R. White


White offers a very good, concise case for the merits of Calvinism. He presents a six-petaled tulip rather than five petals, beginning with the sovereignty of God rather than the total depravity of man. There are three especially good things about this title. First, he weaves Scripture throughout each of the six points he develops. Rather than just relying on philosophical or rational arguments, he continues to go back to the Bible. Second, his language is very down-to-earth and non-technical. While this author's intellect would enable him to pen a lofty presentation, he instead communicates in simple yet profound terms. Third, he gives a very brief overview of the history of the Reformation and marks the place of the doctrines of grace within the thought of Luther, Calvin, and other leading figures of the Sola Scriptura movement. Though I don't consider myself a Calvinist, this book is very well-written. I recommend it as a good primer for anyone wanting to gain a better understanding of the doctrines of grace that many believers today embrace.