A review by peterongcook
Armada by Ernest Cline


I came in to reading this with low expectations. Which is opposite of how I felt when I first heard it was being published, because I really like RP1. The top reviews on this book have been utterly harsh. So, with these low expectations, I was pleasantly surprised.

I'm clearly Ernest Cline's pop contemporary, and understood most of the references. The Last Starfighter scenario was a fantasy I had until I was maybe 12. I was glad to read a contemporary take on the story.

I had probably the same issues everybody else had with this book, I'm probably just more charitable about them. Could the action sequences been better written? Maybe, yeah, they felt rushed and hand wavey at times. This is a mass market paperback fast summer beach sci fi read. It's a good one. Let's not cast aspirations on this book.

I have to wonder if this book would have been better if it was written in a third person viewpoint, though.

I'm still looking forward to Clines's next book.