A review by abigaiillamb
Getting to Center: Pathways to Finding Yourself Within the Great Unknown by Marlee Grace


I adored this book. I had a much easier time with it than "How to Not Always be Working" perhaps because since 2020 I have moved so far away from my center that I am looking around like, what even is that?

This was self-help ish without being TOO preachy. I think maybe with any book around topics such as these, you can feel either comforted or maybe pushed too much. I felt comforted. I really enjoy simple writing that just makes me see that human beings are also going through a lot of the same struggles as I am.

She details different scenarios around which we may lose our center and ways to get back. I really, really enjoyed how she discussed being okay being alone whether you are partnered or not, and how intimacy (like most things) can help or hinder you.

She brought how up how falling in love came easily to her and that was really when she began to lose herself, and how she prepared moving on how she would experience the joy of falling in love while remembering everything is temporary (joy! grief! sadness! anger! that's what makes it so great!) I want to really remember that part for next time I enter into a relationship. And even take this into account with my friendships + familial relationships. See, it really works for all things.

I think when I get home I will be buying a permanent copy, I am happy this book found me when it did. I wanted to HIGHLIGHT EVERYTHING and REMEMBER IT ALL. I love books like that.