A review by sammyblacker
Tweak: Growing Up on Methamphetamines by Nic Sheff


I love this book, truly. It is not written very well, he is not the strongest writer. However, his story is insanely powerful. I relate to him, I relate to his need for acceptance. I adore how brutally honest he is. I read this book fast, it was an almost addicting story. Pun not intended. I have critiques on the way it was written, it could use improvements. However, as a whole, this book is one that I think the majority of teens should read. It provides an in to the addicts mind but it does not just revolve around addiction it depicts a story that every teenager can relate to. My favorite quote from this book is โ€œThe more I used, the more I did things I was ashamed of, and the more I had to use so I never had to face that." I think that this quote sums up a lot about addiction or habit cycles and how difficult they can be to kick. Because this book is about addiction I thought this was a good quote to sum the book up.