A review by a_chickletz
The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner


I have to think about where my raiting will be on this one. It's not a bad book. It's either a 3 or 4 star read.


So, I thought about the book, and honestly I have to give this book a solid 3 stars. I'd round it to a 3.5 if I was feeling generous but to me it just wasn't worth a 4 or 5 star read.

The reasons I state is that I found the story a bit too simple. Not enough characters, and the incident takes place over a couple days in both timelines. Which bummed me out, if I could be honest. I felt that she did a great job of capturing a time period, interesting characters and a situation that screamed for more tales/more apothecary visits.

I felt that there could have been so much more to be had from this book, but I felt like the situation seemed to develop and complete itself way too fast.

I think people will rate it higher, and that's fine, for me, I just wanted something longer and more fulfilling.