A review by nean
Addicted to Love by A.M. Myers


Carly doesn’t do relationships, with the attack from her past and the way that her mother treats men, she has no interest and makes it clear when she goes out with someone.
When she drops her friend off home and she saw, Chance she knows there is going to be problems, he makes her feel things that she hasn’t felt in a long time. Although Chance realises that Carly must have something in her past holding her back, he loves her fight against him even though she says she doesn’t want a relationship their chemistry tells him otherwise.
Carly pushes away Chance at every turn and Chance keeps coming back, Chance knows that what he feels with Carly is that once in a lifetime feeling and he’s not going to let it go without a fight. Slowly Deciding to stop fighting the feelings Carly decides that it’s worth giving what she feels with Chance a try. Carly’s biggest fear is once Chance knows about her past that he will leave, although he didn’t run when he met her crazy mother. When her past shows up on her door step, she sees a side to Chance that makes her realise that he does cherish her.
Carly realises that not only is her sister in trouble, but exactly just what extent her mother went to, to keep her wealth. The twist was one I didn’t’ see coming, but I loved the ending with how Carly is still just as stubborn with Chance as she always has been .