A review by hexagong
Own the Day, Own Your Life: Optimised practices for waking, working, learning, eating, training, playing, sleeping and sex by Aubrey Marcus


Unlike a lot of "self-help" books, Aubrey offers concrete strategies. The over valued book "You're a Bad Ass" is a great comparison; I couldnt get passed 20 pages of Jen's fluffy, topical barely-trying-to-be-spiritual book. This is not a "think positive thoughts and the universe will deliver" kind of book. The Author has a great concept, if you can optimize your routines and cut out the bad stuff, you can do more with you day and hence more with your life. I have read many books similar but with much less actual helpful advice.

This guide is broken down into digestible chapters and each chapter has clear sections so you can get through it easily and stop when you need to. The advice doesnt always sound scientific although he has sources in the back, and sometimes he sounds very Bro, which turns me off, but i pushed through the weird comments and get to some really helpful insight. Since reading I have been drinking more water, I'm being more mindful of how I spend free-time, im having more resistance to the unhealthy foods that come across my sight, and I feel no guilt for sleeping 9 hours a day (it's sooo good for you).