A review by stefhyena
School Choice: How Parents Negotiate the New School Market in Australia by Helen Proctor, Craig Campbell, Geoffrey Sherington


This book is well worth reading because I think we have all too readily embraced many of the ideas of "school choice" and our own roles as parents within this paradigm. This puts massive pressures on most families but also recreates schools and teachers as "product" requiring promotion and that is surely not in our best interest as citizens and as a society.

I don;t suppose even reading this sort of thing would radicalise Australians who seem keen to keep letting the government and rich cronies trample them under foot more and more. I like that this book is quite complex in showing the mixed motivations and often good intentions of parents. Any sort of critical view of the problems of inequality in education that demonises parents as selfish or greedy probably could benefit from the more balanced and nuanced view here.

But there is something very, very wrong.

Also how shameful that we have outstripped both US and UK systems in our bid to be neoliberalised in education!