A review by juliwi
Bloodline by Claudia Gray


I have just spent a whole three days at Star Wars Celebration Europe in London, immersing myself in all the Star Wars I could possibly desire but on the train there and back and in the queues I was reading Bloodline. From the moment it was announced this novel has intrigued me, since the political themes of the Prequel-trilogy are what keeps me fascinated. Thanks to Penguin Random House for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review, and for being absolutely lovely at SWCE.

Writing a tie-in can be quite difficult. A character as well-known and beloved as Leia, who has a recognisable voice, is a challenge to any author. Thankfully Claudia Gray is not only a great writer, but she also has experience writing Star Wars. Her Lost Stars from last year proved her capability to write within this universe, and with Bloodline she cements her status as one of the best of the current tie-in writers. Moving fluidly between description and dialogue, fighting and discussion, reflection and action, Gray never loses the plot. Gray nails characters like Leia and Han, which the reader knows, and introduces fascinating new characters which I'd love to see again. Moving between different narrators, with most of the focus lying on Leia, Gray doesn't let her readers off easily, placing the blame solidly on one side. Rather, Gray shows the ambiguous morality of a world which seems on the brink.

I really loved Bloodline. It not only captures the Leia we know very well, it also introduces us to aspects of her we didn't yet know. Gray makes this story her own and fills in crucial gaps in the Star Wars canon. Whether you're a dedicated Star Wars fan or only loosely interested in Sci-Fi, I'd recommend Bloodline as an example of the perfect tie-in novel.

For full review: http://universeinwords.blogspot.co.uk/2016/07/review-bloodline-by-claudia-gray.html