A review by didsomeonesayviolin
Off Balance by Aileen Erin


I'm going to repeat what I said about the first book: although the ideas behind this book - the outline of the plot and the structure of everything were done extremely well, the execution lacked organisation and a general direction.

And the reason why this book gets a lower rating is because honestly, this is just frustrating. I expected the writing to be better by now, I'm used to authors' quality improving with each book - but I also realised why this is not the case with Aileen Erin. She puts out a few books a year, so she doesn't really have time for the editing phase, and it shows. Or maybe that's not the case. But it seems very likely to me.
Anyways, that's all. I still am continuing with the series because this is escapism in its purest form, what SJM used to be before. And I also need to review the third book in this series which I got an ARC for without checking if it was a part of the series haha.

Do I recommend this series? Yes. But don't set your bar too high in terms of quality.

→2.5 stars