A review by cupcakegirly
Some of the Parts by Hannah Barnaby


I had a feeling this book was going to break my heart, and it did. Tallie's grief for her brother Nate is palpable. It consumes every facet of her life until it's all she can feel. When she decides to go looking for the recipients of her brother's organs, you know it's not going to end well (for her), but all you can do (as a reader) is hang on for the ride.

Tallie eventually crashes and burns, and it's heartbreaking to read. But she is not without hope. Surrounded by a support system of people who love and care about her, and who want to see her heal and move on, Tallie begins the process of piecing her life back together again.

"Sometimes bad things happen, and we are not the same when they are over."

And that's okay.
Read it.