A review by krasmazov
American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America, by Chris Hedges


Sometimes my dad wants to have “conversations.” I don’t talk, it’s mostly him monologuing. What do these monologues consist of you might ask? Mostly the Rapture, the end times, and how great everything will be once the filth has been washed away.

My family is the quintessential American petite-bourgeoisie. Money has been tight before, but I am thankful that I’ve always had a roof over my head and never missed out on any meals. My dad is also thankful but he will be truly happy once Jesus comes back and all the degenerates are eternally burning in a pit of fire.

Who are these degenerates? Well that’s easy, his list is always the same. It’s the socialists, the gays, the lesbians, the violent black thugs, and presumably the unconverted Jews. My dad is adamant that the Jews constantly put their own interests ahead of good God fearing Christian’s. The only new addition to his list are Trans people, who he especially despises.

Mostly everyone in my family is ready for the Rapture. They can’t wait to be with lost loved ones and spend eternity in the grace of Jesus. They’re enraptured. And they pray it comes soon because of all the oppression Christians suffer in America.

Whenever my dad monologues, or my family tearfully wish Jesus come back, one phrase always circles in my head. “They have abandoned reality in favor of fantasy, and when push comes to shove they may try to force their fantasy onto reality.”

I’m glad Hedges focuses in on the psychology behind the Christian Right. While economics do play a key role for Christians similar to my family money is no problem. They’re jobs haven’t disappeared in fact some of them are making more money than ever. Men such as my father view the world through a lens of Us and Them. Us is the favored and Them is everyone who is different. My only hope is that the various minority groups who make up the Them are prepared and ready for whenever the Christian Right really falls off the deep end.