A review by joskypay
The Fight In Us by Becca Steele


Weston.... This book! Weston and Lena have so much chemistry! I love this series (can be read as a standalone, but do yourself a favor and read the rest) and these guys! Each one of the Four brings something different to the group, Weston is the computer nerd so he was the one who intrigued me the most from the start. Ms. Steele does not let us down here! There is so much going on, I just love that in addition to the wild ride of Lena and Weston's relationship we get the deeper mysteries in the background! Lena is an amazing heroine, such strength in her, not to mention mad computer skills as well. These two together are an unstoppable force and I LOVED that. I don't want to give too much of the plot away but its different and compelling and you will be on the edge of your proverbial seat! I don't know if sweet flirty fun-loving Cass will be next or if we'll get dark broody mysterious Z but either way I can't wait!