A review by bookjunkie57
Intermediate Thermodynamics: A Romantic Comedy by Susannah Nix


Intermediate Thermodynamics
 Chemistry Lessons, Book 2

 I Picked Up This Book Because: Continue the series.

 Media Type: Audiobook
 Source: Hoopla via H County Public Library
 Dates Read: 2/20/24 - 2/23/24
 Stars: 3.5 Stars
 Narrator(s): Caitlin Kelly

 The Characters:

Esther Abbot
Jenny (BFF), Yemi (coworker)

 The Story:

An enemies to lovers romance. I found it to be better than okay but not overly impressive. I just liked everything enough to keep going. Some parts of the story did get a little boring but they passed in a fairly timely manner. Both characters have a fairly complicated family dynamic and a small circle of friends. Esther has to do a lot to conquer her relationship fears.