A review by literaryhomebody
Court of Claws by Briar Boleyn


It’s hard to even know where to start. This book was absolutely wonderful sequel! Our story picks up in a new realm, when Morgan awakens to memories of devastating truths, in a bed that is not even hers, and in an unknown land after Morgan almost lost her life thanks to the treachery of her now burnt to ash ex-boyfriend. Morgan must figure out how to move forward and defeat her enemies... All with the help of her "kidnapper" Kairos Draven. The same person who is now out as a Siabra Prince and whisked Morgan away to his kingdom to save her life.

There were many plot twists that made it really hard for me to put it down. As a second book in a series, this was extremely well (I’m always wary of second books)! There are new character additions, lots of banter (my favorite!), a fight to the death competition (also a favorite trope of mine), and lastly it ends with a huge cliffhanger that will make you automatically preorder the next book! It’s easy how this book was right up my alley.

*An e-ARC was provided via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.