A review by rayene_ziadi
Swans Are Fat Too by Michelle Granas


I absolutely loved it !!!
It was a bit slow at first but then it turned amazing, it was a quick read ( i read it in one sitting) i couldn't put it down, it was really funny at parts especially with Maks's pranks;and The fact that Hania was overweight And she was the heroine was very refreshing and different from what we see in other books.
I also enjoyed the historical part, i didn't know anything about Poland before; The family issues and the struggles she faces were so realistic and easy to relate to,especially for me the denial of Konstanty and Hania's existing feelings, and how Looks,tradition,or even family doesn't matter against one's feelings, i adored how they finally came to realize so and rather surrendered to their heart's wishes.
It was a lovely read and i hope i'll get to read more of [a:Michelle Granas|6942231|Michelle Granas|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1362333186p2/6942231.jpg]'s books ♥