A review by altruest
B^F: The Novelization Of The Feature Film by Ryan North


I love Ryan North. I've been reading his Dinosaur Comics for years, and following his writing projects for about as long(the Machine of Death anthology being one of my favorites of all time). His style of humor is perfect for pointing out the absolute ridiculousness of the subject of the book, the novelization of Back to the Future, as written by George Gipe.

I don't have much to say about this other than its hilarious and you should get it if you're even remotely familiar with the Back to the Future franchise (Don't tell anyone, but I've never seen the movie; this is my second time reading the book and I loved it even more than the first). North obviously writes this out of love for the series, and through the ineptitude of the novelization you can see the mastery in the final script for the movie.

My one complaint is that originally, each section of the novel started out as a Tumblr post, all of which were then packaged up in book form. On Kindle the links are still clickable, however many of them are no longer active since he book was published. Also, the gifs at the top of some chapters don't play.

Still a great book though.

5/5 stars, recommended for anyone who likes Back to the Future, Film in general, or fun times with a fun guy.