A review by reneetc
Interference, by Zoe Reed


So far I’ve only read two books by the author, and she’s two for two in the awesome category. I am so putting this on my all time faves and reread list. I love when a story floors me, and this one did just that. I’ll be honest, halfway through the book, I thought my heart would break because I still had a whole ‘nother half of the story to read. Taylor finally opened up, there were some “I like yous,” and some kissing—what more could happen in the next 300+ pages? I had to put the book down for fear that I wasn’t going to be prepared for the level of angst to come.

This story is a slow-burn on so many different levels. You’ve got Taylor learning to trust Jordan enough to talk to her, Jordan and Taylor becoming comfortable enough to express their feelings for each other, and Jordan learning to trust Taylor enough to take their relationship to the next level. (I don’t like tearing up while reading, but Jordan’s dilemma was gut-wrenching.) Despite the dynamics/complexity of this story, the slow-burness (yep, I made the word up) is at a comfortable level and not filled with too much frustration and anxiety. I do admit there was something devilishly satisfying about that fight scene. There’s something about a person who’s willing to go to blows for the person they love; it gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.   …hold on a sec, gotta go read that scene again…

From a character analysis, I have a crush on Taylor, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. She is so understanding, compassionate, thoughtful, patient, smart, honest—you get my point. There’s not one negative thing I can say about her. Even though the story is from Jordan’s point of view, it took a while for me to warm-up to her. It’s not that I didn’t like her; I just couldn’t understand the choices she made. Despite her adverse childhood experiences, Jordan still has a sister who loves her and has a devoted friend. I guess that’s why the title of the book was aptly chosen. Taylor ran interference for Jordan so Jordan could heal and finally begin to live a happy life.