A review by penguingirl
Hazard in Hawaii by Heather Silvio


This was a brand new author for me, and seriously they had me hooked! I literally could not put this one down! The characters and the plot and how everything entwined as things happened and were pieced together I was left constantly wanting more!

This novel follows a mystery on an island. People are getting sick, and I mean really sick. Its a mystery at hands for sure, but to what cause? Hawaii is a very nice place and well cared for, but why are the people dying from a sickness that seems to kill them in horrid and bizarre ways?

Then we have Sarah here. She is a lead investigator assigned to this mystery and this case. She struck me as someone right off the bat as she will get to the bottom of it no matter what. Would she though? That was the most true question at hands. Sarah trying to figure this out, but it seems to prove more difficult than the obvious statements would have let on! All in all, this mystery and the less obvious behind why the illness that is killing people was more intriguing than I would have ever thought.

I tend to be a scientist myself, believing there is always a explanation to very issue. In this case it really had me scratching my head. Nothing was adding up. No sense of a infection causing these things...what could it be? Perhaps something more less of not of a common issue of this world maybe?

Sarah had a sharp mind and she was very much a inquisitive individual. She had good group of people in her life, and together they were working together to figure out what was going on. As I read on I had my suspicions, and I will admit, I was off. It was not what I guessed and the true conclusion to the mystery was even better my own thoughts. It wrapped up very nicely! And the author defiantly used her tricks' to keep myself as the reader in suspense to keep reading to figure out what is going on this island!

I loved Sarah so much. She was such a kick ass awesome character. As well as her I loved reading about Hawaii, I truly felt at times of my duration of this book that I was on the case with Sarah and the gang trying to figure things out, and draw clues to piece together in this puzzle! The author is great at the suspense and the word building, and they did an amazing novel! I will for sure be reading the next in the series and see what new dangers Sarah and her group face and have to figure out! This was a fun, fast paced read full of amazing components as well as these characters! I highly recommend reading!