A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Tate's Tale by Lilith Darville


Winning books is always fun. Winning books with plots sounding awesome is even better. I was therefore really happy when I heard that I won an e-copy of this book. Reverse Harem and Greek Mythology, a few things I really enjoy. So, this morning I was really excited to start reading. But I'm afraid that didn't last too long.

I'm pretty sure there are people who like this book and appreciate it, but I'm afraid I'm not one of those. Although I totally enjoy well written sex-scenes in books, I need a story, a plot and a context. I want the sex to be part of the story, part of the plot. But in this case it felt like it was the entire story and the entire plot.

There were a few glimpses here and there from the previous lives the characters led on earth, but even those glimpses and conversations were mostly focussed on sexual experiences. And I get that the series title of this book is the sexy sins academy, but still. Almost every conversation, almost every little thought, almost every little action had something to do with sex. And although there's nothing wrong with that, that wasn't why I wanted to read this book.

I was actually interested in the incubi plot, in the Hades plot, in what was going on at the academy and on how it's gonna be fixed, even distracted. But up until now we haven't seen or met an incubus (well, not that we know of), we haven't seen the school (apart from one hallway or so) and we've seen one small scene with Hades that was all about...sex.

Even though I also won an e-copy of the second book I'm not entirely sure if I should claim it. Maybe I should ask the author to gift it to someone who enjoyed the first book far more than I did.