A review by mobyskine
The Old Woman with the Knife by Gu Byeong -Mo


The Old Woman With The Knife not really like any other assassin plot I have read previously (I don't read much anywayss), despite still having that action-filled trip of fight and killing scenes, the narrative revolves more on the exploration of ageing and retirement phase of a contract killer-- at the age of 65, Hornclaw has been working for 45 years dedicating her life to the disease control department (as what they called it), avoiding any personal human connection, to not having a family, friendship or even a slightest emotion that reaching her age now making her wonder what had she missed.

Started mellowly at the beginning, flashback and backstory-- love that pinch of historical related (that Korean War reference and setting) and what have drive her to venture into this line of work; sad stuff but so grippingly told. Enthralling plot of Bullfight, another assassin who starts to provoke Hornclaw about her age for being a veteran and a woman with this job, stalking her and also meddling into her assignment. No idea what was up with him apart of those resentment(?) from the past which I totally understand but his argument of Hornclaw's attitude totally a nuisance and freaking dramatic.

It was interesting to follow Hornclaw's perspective-- I actually enjoyed her ramblings, those inner thoughts and heartbreaks talk. The plot flows quite poetically to me, with great pinch of climax and conflicts, and a cute pet dog (may you rest well, Deadweight) as a bonus. From flashback to current which resounding and descriptively told, twisty and well-balanced of both drama and action.

Love the few last chapters on how Hornclaw faced the unexpected threat, to help Dr. Kang and his family-- to finally having that emotional related to another human, a concern and attachment she wants to feel during her last fragment in life (glad you did visit the nail shop at last). A great light read for a thriller with a moving slice-of-life perspective-- a peculiar view of self-discovery from an assassin. Thrilling and quite meditative too. Would go for 3.8 stars to this!

Thank you Pansing Distribution (Definitelybooks) for sending me a complimentary copy!