A review by discocrow
Spin the Sky by Katy Stauber


Oh, dear lord, this book!

I won this book through first-reads, and from the very mention of Firefly on its cover knew it had a lot to live up to. Comparing a book to Firefly? Having to review something compared to Firefly when I consider myself a pretty devoted Browncoat? Well. I opened the book with a dose of skepticism, pretending that I hadn't just texted my sci-fi (and fellow Browncoat) loving boyfriend that I just got that ARC I'd been telling him about. I hyped it up sufficiently in my mind.

This book delivered beyond my wildest of expectations.

The book was fast paced with a healthy underlining of wry humor. This is one of the few books that has made me laugh out loud on more than occasion... Every character is lovingly crafted, they each have their quirks and their tongue-in-cheek moments - it's incredible that it never comes off as false or heavyhanded. [a:Katy Stauber|4462993|Katy Stauber|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1298506639p2/4462993.jpg] has faultlessly delivered on a nearly impossible task: she's given us a novel that draws upon the cult classic of Firefly without being mere fanfiction - in fact, she's created something lovingly unique.

That this is a scifi adaptation of [b:The Odyssey|1381|The Odyssey|Homer|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1312497624s/1381.jpg|3356006] is also apparent, as if the cover doesn't give it away. She's morphed the tale into something that encompasses Rasta Nation colonies (marijuana bombs!), entirely creepy genetic splicing experiments, rogue orbitals, and everything else under (and on level with) the sun. She's made [b:The Odyssey|1381|The Odyssey|Homer|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1312497624s/1381.jpg|3356006] freshfaced and deadpan, and Cesar Vaquero is a much, much more lovable protagonist than the cunning Ulysses.

I can't praise this book enough, nor how many people I want to throw my copy at so I can chat with them about it. I can't wait to pass this book on, and only hope that it will get the recognition and acclaim it well deserves.

Keep writing [a:Katy Stauber|4462993|Katy Stauber|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1298506639p2/4462993.jpg]! I'll be reading your every word for certain. You've found a great fan in me!