A review by hskey
The Death of Superman by Dan Jurgens


I'd read this 100 years ago, but I'm pretty sure I skimmed it and I definitely didn't remember any of the details. I really liked this, largely because of the visual storytelling. A lot of the dialogue still reeks of 80s/90s exclamations, very comic-booky in that sense, but some panels are fantastic - one of the Justice League members getting thrown through a family's window, Superman getting more desperate and pissed off in the final few pages were great to look at. I think this could have been longer and more fleshed out, and definitely would've liked to see a more varied strategy from Supes other than kicky punchy, but overall one of my favorite Supermans to date. Loved the epilogue told through the Metropolis Newspapers and Magazines, with quotes from fictional and non-fictional characters (Shaq, John Goodman, Dan Rather).