A review by naughtybookaffair
Confessions of a Carpool Captive by Dawn L. Chiletz


I voluntarily reviewed an advance copy of this amazing fun book.I absolutely loved this book. It is full of humor, extremely touching moments and strong friendship. It is very well written and has you hooked right from the beginning.
Liz is someone that likes to be alone. She doesn't like to talk much.That is why her drive to work is perfect. It is a long drive and she has plenty of alone time. That is until her car brokes down and she has noone to turn to except for Finn who works at the same office as her and will not stop until she says yes to him taking her back and forth to work. But it works out for him because he loves to drive and he needs an extra passenger to drive in the carpool lane. She agrees but neither one of them realize that this is the beginning of quite a fun adventure.
It gets even more interesting when Liz grabs three more people to join in the carpool fun. But things get tense between her and Finn and their friendship could be destroyed. Will love overcome the carpool lane or will it keep them apart?
I absolutely loved the character chemistry between Liz and Finn. I loved the banter between the two of them.I loved her stubbornness to shut him up and his stubbornness to keep her talking. The buildup of this relationship was absolutely perfect. Especially when Liz agrees to pretend to be dating Finn for when his parents visit.
Adding Emerson, Kel and Ernesto into this carpool mix was amazing. I loved these characters and the fun that they add to this book. Emerson is someone that Liz meets in the restroom at the Christmas party and she invites her along for the carpool ride to not be alone with Finn. Emerson invites Kel and Ernesto who add such great humor to this story. I absolutely love what brings them all back together at almost the end of the book. It really brought the book to a great end.
I laughed through this whole book. The humor was just the right amount. It was so very well written that you could pretend you were in the carpool lane with them enjoying the ride. There are some twists in this book that you don't see coming. But really that is what makes this book even more interesting. Grab this book and read all about the fun and turmoil that people can have in the carpool lane. I highly recommend reading this book.