A review by pastelsux
Heretics Anonymous by Katie Henry


I really loved this book, which I guess was obvious by the fact I finished it in a little over twenty-four hours. I appreciate when a YA novel’s voice is authentic, which I found this book to be for sure. I like a diverse cast, which this book provides. And I usually *don’t* enjoy books with a huge focus on religion, or on the lack thereof, but this book’s different.

To put it simply, I’m glad this book doesn’t treat anyone like they’re stupid. Catholics/Christians often treat atheists like the enemy, and vice versa. All atheists are cynical and all Christians are sheep, right? Not in this book. The writing doesn’t treat Lucy like she’s stupid for being Catholic, or treat Michael like he’s stupid for being an atheist. (Avi, Eden, and Max get the same treatment for their respective beliefs.) I can really get behind that. This book doesn’t “take a side” and say what religion is better, worse, or true: it just takes the side of compassion, understanding, and most importantly, challenging your own beliefs. In religion, in love, in life. And it wraps that message up in a funny, authentic, fast-paced, enjoyable package. I can get behind that.

Four stars because the book isn’t “perfect”, and I do have my qualms— mostly with the way Michael talks about Lucy and how fast it seems the ending is resolved— but this book doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s a church, not a God. God is perfect, churches aren’t. But churches are a place of belonging. And for Catholics, atheist, Celtic revisionists, and everyone in between, there’s a place of belonging to be found in this book.