A review by erickabdz
My Solo Exchange Diary Vol. 1 by Nagata Kabi


Here's a rough overview of me now. I don't even know anymore. To sum up: I'm sad.

Ouchie, Nagata yet again strikes right at my heart. I deeply loved [b:My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness|33113683|My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness|Kabi Nagata|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1530989553l/33113683._SX50_.jpg|53777609] but somehow I didn't jump immediately to its sequel. Nagata is the first author, I think, to voice so simply and clearly so many of my own thoughts that I feel naked while reading this. My Solo Exchange Diary, compared with the first part, focuses a little bit more on mental health and independence, about giving that step towards getting better even if the effort is too much -especially when the effort is too much. Dealing with one's mental health is always a difficult task, and never a linear, upward path, and it was exhilarating to see such an uplifting anecdote in a realistic way. Now I wait for the next volumes to arrive!