A review by lovegirl30
Almanegra by Jodi Meadows


Previously posted on The Young Girl Who Loved Books

This book was not that great. This book is so boring and so very slow. Part of me wanted to give up and just say I can't do this anymore, but I stuck with it. There was just something about this book that makes me want to read it. I have no idea why this sucks. I just can't stop myself. I can't put it down. This love of reading really can be a sickness at times. Perhaps it is how lovely the covers are in this series or maybe there is something wrong with me. Never the less I keep reading this ridiculous series.

I had some expectations due to my previous feelings about the first book Incarnate. It wasn't my favorite book but it wasn't terrible. It was a solid three stars. The concept was quite awesome, but not completely to my liking. I felt like the second book could redeem the series in my mind. Unfortunately, this book didn't do that at all instead it completely ignored the mysteries about the first book. I honestly feel like this book could be about 200 hundred pages lighter. It just seemed far too long.

This book is just filled with romance drama. It is completely melodramatic. It continually made me roll my eyes. In the first book, the love story was cute, all little immature but okay. In this book, all they did was fight. It really wasn't healthy or good. I felt like the main character Anna was always fearful of falling in love, of giving her self to someone. I think we all have these moments for sure. I am not saying being fearful of love is a bad thing. She is just childish and he is too patient with her. I will say that this doesn't involve any sex which is typical of young adult and something I prefer.

The main plot wasn't terrible. The story building and writing were so much better than the first book, in my opinion. I liked the way the other spun the events and explained a couple deep issues. I just felt like it always took way to long to accomplish anything. Which was part of the letdown? The resolution is at the end of the book, like I mean the very end. It was frustrating feeling like nothing was going to come to pass or get taken care of. It does make me want to read the last one.

Overall this book just wasn't great for me. I don't know if I will continue on to the third book. As always my thoughts are just my own and you should check out the book for yourself. Happy reading!