A review by riverreads
The Cattery by K.A. Merikan


3.9 stars

I read this book for 3 reasons:
1. Judith! I love her reviews and when I saw her review of this book I was left intrigued.
2. I have read some books in the Coffin Nails MC series and what I know of K.A Merikan is blood and violence so I was curious about them writing something different.
3. 5 guys in a house pretending to be cats? Interesting.

I have never read any type of animal play before. My first time had to be cat play, MM and with a bunch of dudes, so you know, orgy.

“Looking for young, single gay men with a passion for theater and acting. You need to be open-minded and easygoing, open to experimentation. All details of the job will be disclosed at an interview after the acceptance of a face and body photo"

Who would respond to that ad?

This story is set in Luis's cattery, Luis is a special man, he has a hard time with human interactions so he decided to make his cattery, hired guys to live in a designated house for 6 months and be his cats. This, though, is not Luis's story.

Goran is from Croatia, his mouth works fast and that tends to ruin things for him. Some time ago he made a mistake in his parents hotel and this cost them, now he needs money so he travels to the U.S to get a job and help his family. After many failed attempts at keeping a job he sees an ad and decides to go for it.

Oliver is cat in Luis's cattery, lets say he is the "senior" cat. He has spent two years there. He is Luis favorite. Before the Cattery, he came out to his parents and things didn't turn out well so he needed a refuge. Luis gave him that.

When Goran gets to cattery he feels instantly attracted to Ollie but after he runs his mouth Ollie wants nothing to do with him, in fact, he wants him out.

This story was definitely something different, it was fun, there was drama and the claws definitely came out. There were some orgy scenes , not too many, but I have to admit I might have skipped some pages, sorry, more than two people is not my thing. but the little things I read were definitely hot. The cat play is weirdly not uncomfortable at all, it was interesting and kinda fun actually.

Luis was written perfectly, I didn't see him as a weirdo. I wanna know more about him and what made him make this big decision.
Spoiler I'm curious about the possible puppy too!

Goran, I love him! He was a great guy, I didn't mind his mouth. I thought he was very honest and had a huge heart.

Ollie was kinda petty in the beginning but I understood why. He's been pretending to be a cat for a big part of two years, he has lived in a bubble with no internet or contact with the outside world besides Luis and The different guys that come to the cattery every 6 months. He feels alone in a full house and Luis is all he thinks he has in the world.

In the end Goran and Ollie got their HEA and I was delighted with their story.

I will definitely read the next book in this series, I wanna know the other stories. Not Cinnamon's though, that two faced bastard.
I NEED Luis's story!

Just had a twitter conversation with K.A and one of their tweets said and I quote "we are working on Cin, Luis and Clove's stories" YES!!