A review by tiffani_reads
Birdie and Me by J.M.M. Nuanez


When I asked for a copy of this book to review I knew very little about it going into it. I knew it was about a girl named Jack and her younger brother that was struggling with the concept of gender.

This book is so much more than that! While it does discuss gender openly and how you should not be forced to fit into a box, it covers so many more topics. Grief plays a huge part throughout the book and both Jack and Birdie are still grieving the death of their mother and the life that they use to have.

Birdie is being bullied, and at first it seems to be because he dresses different from the other boys in his class but really there is no cause and that is so true when it comes to bullies sometimes. Birdie is figuring out and exploring the fact that he is different, he knows that he likes to wear rainbow tights and a purple jacket but he doesn't know if he is transgender or gay, and says so when asked. All he knows is that those clothes make him happy and really that is the most important thing.

We should always allow people to be who they are on the outside, to match what they feel on the inside and I think this book does a good job of shedding some light on this issue. I really enjoyed this book and cannot wait to see what else this author does in the future.