A review by piperkitty
Creeping Beauty by Andrea Portes


I love the crazy world she went through and it doesn't make any sense! It's not supposed to be! This is an alternate reality reminiscent of Wonderland.

2. I love all the great cartoon characters and how different each one is. We don't know who she can trust and that's still very intriguing.

I especially like Peregrine and want them to end! He is cunning and cruel, but gentle with her when needed. I love their back and forth and really think they are the only ones who can appreciate each other the most and treat each other at their worst.

3. I love this world-wide myth of “the one who fell from the sky”. I also really enjoyed her personality development throughout this story, from a princess escaping difficult situations to becoming a warrior.
When stories start slowly, it's hard. When you add in poor character development and really no world building, problems arise from there. This story has its moments where it shines, but it never rises above the mediocrity and stereotype that the author suffers from. For example, Bitsy's character has fallen into the "damn me" stereotype of never being pretty, good enough, or smart enough. A place where she will either immerse herself in it or try to rise above it through diversity. The problem here is that a badly built world with nonexistent threats hasn't given any real weight to its supposed change, making it back to the way it was - as deep as a puddle. water.

Other frustrations grew when other characters that I considered important were missing additions and were never revisited. People like Peregrine made me wonder what was going on with the story, then I accepted the lead role, only to be thrown off a cliff in a flip-flop.

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