A review by brokenrecord
A Modest Independence by Mimi Matthews


2.5 stars. I feel like I'm being a bit harsh towards this book, but it was a bit of a let-down after how much I enjoyed the first one. Part of my issue is that what draws me to romances is the actual development and seeing how dynamics shift and change, but here Jenny and Tom start the book already into each other and wanting to be together, and… that's basically the whole book. I mean, okay, they do end up starting a semi-relationship that neither believes will last, but in general it just didn't feel like a whole lot happened between them in this book. And this book felt LONG for the story it was telling. There were so many chapters of them enjoying being with one another but dreading the end of their relationship. It took me three months to get through this book, and it really shouldn't have, but it kept losing my attention. And I didn't really enjoy that the resolution of their conflict was
SpoilerJenny saying that Tom couldn't leave England, but she couldn't be without him, so she compromised by returning to England, even though… that's not really a compromise. I just don't enjoy women giving up their dreams/desires for men, and I get this was the 19th century and that would be more true to real life, but perfect period accuracy is not what draws me to historical romances. Give me a little wish fulfillment here is what I'm saying. She does at least get her independence and a little adventure first, but it still felt like she was giving up much more than Tom, so it left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.
Anyways, I do plan on continuing on with the series because I loved the first book and the description of the third book seems much more up my alley, and there were elements of this one I enjoyed, which is why I'm not rating it any lower.