A review by walkingoverpages
Not Without A Fight by Rebecca Lange


*4,7 stars*

This was such a good book! It is definitely a new favourite!

Hazel Buchannon wants to be the one the inherits her fathers ranch after he passes, but because of the law she can’t, because she’s a woman. While wanting to change the law about women not being allowed to own ranches, her fatherly friend and reverend is sent away. A new young reverend takes his place in town and everything changes right away. Hazel who has always felt safe in her town and at her fathers ranch, is now subject to many attacks, threats and attempted kidnappings. And fear starts to become a constant companion. But it’s not only her that is subject to all these horrible events, women all over the country are sold and threatened by their abusive husbands, fathers and strange men. Hazel is trying to set a stop for this, and with help form her family and friends it might work.

I loved almost everything about this! I loved Hazel’s “sass” and her loving and supportive family and friends. I really liked how they always looked out for her and were always making sure she was okay after the traumatic events. The book took up the struggles and injustice for women in Oregon during the mid-1800s, which I thought was very interesting to read about. It was also interesting to see how Hazel fought to make things right for women. I loooved all the playful moments in the book with her friends and family when they always picked her up and threw her in the river!